What is the Law of Attraction?

The Law of Attraction is a universal law. It is a real law of nature, like gravity, that many scientists, like Newton and Einstein, have already applied and defined as “explaining the influence of matter and energy on the movement of bodies and stars”.
The Law of Attraction is based on the principle that everything in us, and around us, emits a frequency and an energy. We are vibration, we live in a vibratory world and we are in interrelation with everything around us. We constantly emit and receive good or bad vibrations that condition our state of being.
According to the Law of Attraction, everything that looks alike is brought together. According to this theory, we attract what we think to ourselves. Indeed, the Universe always gives us what we deeply desire, that is how our thoughts materialize.

What you are and what you have today is the result of what you have attracted into your life.

In this way, you understand the importance of healing your thoughts, so that they send the right message to the Universe! Indeed, all our thoughts, conscious or unconscious, are sent into the Universe and they attract, like a magnet, anything with the same frequency. In other words: if you focus on the negative, you will tend to have complicated moments, which will make you feel even worse. If, on the other hand, you generate positive energy, your daily life will be most enjoyable, which will make you even more positive. It is a virtuous circle.
The Law of Attraction brings us what we think about. To think for is to ask for.

Buddha quote

Secret #1: Cultivate positive thinking and gratitude

We see the world through the filter of our brain that filters information from the outside to show us only the information that confirms our belief. When we believe that something is true (positive or negative), we put ourselves in a state of mind (positive or negative) that allows us to do so.
To cultivate positive thoughts, it is a matter of changing the vibratory frequency, by changing perception. For example, you cross the street and a car almost runs over you. First reflex: complain about the driver of the vehicle. Second immediate reflex: “Great, I have nothing”. Third reflex: “Thank you still being part of this world “.
Meditation is a wonderful practice that allows you to dive into your inner world and prepare your mind for the Law of Attraction by changing your way of thinking and letting go. Regular meditation soothes the subconscious mind and helps us to focus better on what we want. 🙏

Secret #2: Accepting personal responsibility for everything in our lives

To be able to apply the theory of the Law of Attraction, it is essential to understand that we are the only ones responsible for what happens in our lives. We attract things to ourselves like a magnet, by the sole force of our thoughts, conscious or unconscious. We are the only ones responsible for our life and happiness. There is no such thing as fate, there is no chance or misfortune.

How to apply the Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction makes it possible to transform all our dreams into reality through 3 simple steps: asking, believing and receiving.

  1. Ask the Universe

The Universe can bring us everything we want, but, to this end, we must take the first step. Make a request and the Universe will simply deliver what you want, at the best time and in the best way for you.
We just have to focus on what we want, without worrying about how we will get it.
It is important to make a clear and precise request. Tell yourself that if it is unclear in your head, it will also be unclear for the Universe, which will respond to your message by bringing mixed events to you. A clear request is always formulated as follows:

  • starting with I and talking in the PRESENT tense: I am so happy and grateful to (do, be…)
  • with POSITIVE verbs used without negation: For example, “since I am…”, instead of “since I am no longer…”
  • with POWERFUL EMOTION: how do you feel when thinking about the vision of your ideal life?
  • and, if you wish, by setting a DATE.

You must feel fantastic when you read your request each day. 💫
We draw attention to everything we focus on, which is why it is important to be clear and focus on the positive. Visualization is a very effective tool in this sense: close your eyes and imagine the life of your dreams, feel these emotions that invade you.

  1. Trust (Believe)

Believing in something means acting, talking and thinking as if we had already received what we asked for. For example, to be healthier, you have to start feeling healthy: by being happy for what you already have, you will attract even more reasons to be happy. In the book “The Secret”, the author explains that we can ask the Universe for anything we want and that we must have confidence in its realization, acting as if we had already received it.
You have to get used to acting, never be defeatist and be passionate and enthusiastic. Action is the cure for fear. Fear is what prevents you from acting, and therefore from benefiting from the Law of Attraction.

To find out what you think, ask yourself how you feel. Indeed, emotions are valuable tools that provide us with instant information about the state of our thoughts. To change the frequency of your vibrations, you just have to modify your emotions, focusing on things that make you feel good (your favourite music, a pleasant memory, etc.).

  1. Receive

The act of receiving appeals to the emotions you will experience when your wish is granted. Start feeling good about yourself if you want to attract a sense of well-being. By maintaining pleasant thoughts, you will attract beautiful things into your life…. and vice versa, you got it. 😉

To summarize the Law of Attraction in 5 steps: persevere, do not doubt, be clear, be grateful, change the vibratory frequency.

Why the Law of Attraction works

The Secret of the Law of Attraction is subtle: for it to work, it is important to feel your thoughts, to connect to positive vibrations, to take the time to feel the positive emotions that invade you. We must free ourselves from the beliefs that limit us: “I don’t deserve”, “it can’t work”. A positive statement useful in moments of doubt: “I have the power to change my life”…

Properly applied, this law builds self-confidence and helps to combat insecurities. By no longer living in fear and anxiety, we naturally take more risks and decisions that lead us to our dream life. Moreover, by changing the vibratory frequency, by moving to a more positive perception, our daily life naturally fills up with joy, gratitude and little joys. 🙂
It is important to be honest with yourself and know what you really want in order to be able to attract the Law of Attraction.
→ I will give you one last example to illustrate this idea: Steve Jobs suffered many entrepreneurial failures before he became the billionaire we all know. According to him, he owes this change in “frequency” to the one question he asked himself just before he had an idea that made him his first success: “If this day were the last day of my life, would I be doing what I am doing now? »…

In the following video, Yannick Vérité, Osthéopathe, kinésiologue et bioénergéticien, explique en 30 minutes, avec une approche différente, en quoi consiste la Loi de l’attraction et pourquoi elle ne fonctionne pas dans certains cas. Il nous montre l’importance d’un bon ancrage et de notre écoute intérieure :
(Quelques concepts peuvent surprendre mais, même sans y adhérer, certaines informations peuvent vous donner des clés.🙂)

To take full advantage of the Law of Attraction, make this a habit in life and not a one-time application. 🙏

In a future article we will see in more detail how to cultivate positive thinking.💫 ❤

By Léa Cassagnavère


« The Secret » by Rhonda Byrne

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